Infinivity Training Center was formed back in October 2000 as SmartTEQ Training Center. Founded by two women, namely Miss Suyi and Shevone, SmartTEQ Training Center offers memory technique training to kids ranging from age 10 to XX. (!) Before we continue our story on why we change our name to Infinivity Training Center, let’s start our story from the childhood of our founder Miss Suyi…
Since young, our founder’s parents constantly mentioned the word “brain” in front of her. Her father always tells her to take care of her brain, because if the brain failed, it will lead to migraine. While her mother always cooks Chinese herbal soup for her to nourish the brain. With that, she grew interested in the brain. As research says that the young brain is like a sponge, they absorb whatever knowledge and experience that was thrown to them.
Our founder wasn’t aware of that obviously, and in her study years, she studied very hard but turns out that all that she did was just memorizing the knowledge and not understanding it. She never knows any method that can allow her to use her brain effectively. It is until someone recommended her to go and work in a memory technique training centre. As mentioned, the brain is always her interest! so she went and have an interview.
The interview was great, and she did a tour in the training centre, and realize that the kids are having fun in the training. She likes how this training was fun and also beneficial to the kids, so she decided to become a partner instead of just working as their staff. She decided to open a training centre too. So she recruited friends around her to join her, and finally, only her sister in law joined in!
Both founders went further course to train themselves as a trainer, and finally, in October 2000, they opened SmartTEQ Training Center, specializing in teaching memory technique to the kids. The centre was founded with the mission to help students in boosting study result with memory technique. Nevertheless. due to the internal problem of the headquarters, they pivoted the business into teaching mental arithmetic to the kids.
To teach mental arithmetic, both founders went for training as well. And they start to get more interested in teaching mental arithmetic. At first, both are very doubtful if they can ever teach the students, because both of them when they learn, they didn’t pick up the skill. The training they went to is much more on preparing them to teach the students, and not training them into mental arithmetic professional. Soon they realized, by following all the steps, the students actually mastered the skill, and even can be trained better and better! In just 2 years, their students get very good results in the internal mental arithmetic competition, and this gives a lot of motivation to both the founders to keep focusing on teaching mental arithmetic
Soon their students amount increased. And both of them didn’t do much marketing, back then just giving out flyers once a year already gets them a lot of students. This says that mental arithmetic does well in training a kid’s brain. Comparing to memory technique, the founders realized that mental arithmetic trains the kid’s brain better, as they train both sides of the brain. Since memory technique is a skill itself, students below 10 years old actually cannot learn the skill, because they won’t understand how to use this memory technique. While mental arithmetic can cultivate a kid’s brain since they are just 4 years old.
The founder has a dream to bring the students to a bigger stage. She tried to expand this business herself, but it is very tough. She realized that she can only create workbooks and exercises to train her students, but no platform enables her student to compete with each other. So she starts to go out and learn more about other mental arithmetic business. To her dismay, all the business are very reserved and not open for collaboration. All are talking about the same thing, and she couldn’t find the reason to continue this work.
Finally, she knew ShenMo Education. Sitting down for just one and a half-hour in their meeting, she finally found her mission, which is actually to pass down this beautiful Chinese culture. Not only that, mental arithmetic can bring out the natural potential of kids too. When the kids learn this mental arithmetic since young, they will still know how to use this skill after they grow up. Although this skill is not easy to be mastered by adults, it is still not impossible.
Followed by mental arithmetic, ShenMo Education also researched and created their brain training course, which is 6F Entire Brain Training. This is suitable for students even below 10 years old, which trains a kid’s observation power based on scientific research. When she does the sharing with her student’s parent’s, all of them also find that their kids improve a lot in terms of memory technique and attention. So now Infinivity Training specializes in brain development, to train a student’s analyzing skill, which even their Infi Mandarin is also based on brain development, where when they created the workbook and exercises also incorporated the element into the course, to cultivate the 8 functions of the brain